2021 AIESEP Developing Country Scholar Award Winners – Céu Baptista

My name is Céu Baptista, I’m Portuguese and I’m 35 years old. I am a professor in the Department of Physical Education at the National University of Timor Lorosa’e, in Dili, East Timor. Graduated in Sports (2004-2008), Master in Physical Education Teaching in Basic and Secondary Education (2009-2011) and Ph.D. in Sports Sciences in the specialty of Sport, Excellence, Well-Being and Human Development (2012-2019). I have been in Timor-Leste for eight years, but I am proud to have done a “Visiting Schoolar” mobility for five months at UNCG with Professor Tom Martinek and to have also colaborated with Professor Michael Hemphill in the Youth Leaders Corps project. I learned a lot not only about the Teaching Personal and Social Responsibility (TPSR) model, but above all, how to make a difference with my students. I did my Ph.D. research on “The model of personal and social responsibility in Physical Education: A study in teacher training in East Timor” and it was from this research that I discovered that TPSR is simply my way of teaching in all classes. For me, TPSR is a lifestyle!

In addition to classes at the Department of Physical Education, I’ve collaborated with the research center of the university where I organize conferences, I am a reviewer in one of the scientific journals of the university. I’ve published some articles in peer-review journals on the application of the TPSR model in teacher training here in Timor-Leste. My line of research is on the application of TPSR, citizenship in sport, Physical Education and teacher training in Timor-Leste. One of my great objectives, here in East Timor, it is to contribute to the development of Physical Education teaching in this developing country following the TPSR both in teacher training and in extracurricular project mode. Although the covid-19 pandemic put on standby continuous with the dream of creating a project “Leaders for future” for the community (disadvantaged children) following the lines of the TPSR model.
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