6th International Game Sense Conference

The Game Sense teaching and coaching approach is a game-based and player-centered sport teaching pedagogy that foregrounds the development of “thinking players” (Australian Sports Commission 1996; den Duyn 1997). Unlike the Teaching Games for Understanding (TGfU) model, which involves a linear, six-step tactical- technical process (Bunker and Thorpe 1982; Thorpe, Bunker and Almond 1984), the Game Sense approach is more flexible and typical of a nonlinear pedagogy.

The International Game Sense Conferences were developed by Professor Richard Light to focus on the Game Sense approach (similar to Teaching Games for Understandings) and on the Asia Pacific region. The first three conferences were at the University of Sydney, the fourth was at the University of Canterbury, and the fifth was at Flinders University. All these were at Oceania Area. The sixth conference will be held for the first time in Asia and the conference will be held at Tokyo Gakugei University in Japan. As in the past, researchers and practitioners of physical educators and sports coaches gather from all over the world, and through the research presentation and the workshop for teaching and coaching, we continue sharing and discussing ideas for development of Game Sense and other GBA.
This conference covers both physical education and sports coaching. Although we have set for each category on research presentations and workshops, we are working to encourage active interaction among both categories.

Go here for more information: https://www.gamesenseconference-6th.com

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