AIESEP Young Scholars 2022: Dillon Landi

Dillon Landi is a Lecturer in the School of Education at the University of Strathclyde (Glasgow, UK). He conducts research and teaches modules related to research methods, health and wellbeing, and sociology of education. Prior to Strathclyde, Dillon was an Assistant Professor at Towson University (Maryland, USA) and a Teaching Fellow at the University of Auckland (Aotearoa New Zealand). He received his PhD in Education from the University of Auckland where he was supervised by Associate Professor Katie Fitzpatrick and Professor Richard Pringle (Monash University, Australia). Dillon also has two postgraduate degrees (EdM & MA) from Teachers College, Columbia University (New York, USA) under the supervision of Professor Steve Silverman (Florida Atlantic University, USA). He is honoured by – and grateful for – the consistent mentorship he receives from his supervisors as well as current colleague and mentor at Strathclyde, Professor David Kirk. Dillon has been a member of AIESEP since 2018 and co-edited a Special Issue on Equity and Diversity for Physical Education and Sport Pedagogy with Associate Professor Sara Flory (University of South Florida, USA) based on a symposia presented at the 2019 AIESEP World Congress (New York). His Young Scholar presentation at the 2022 World Congress in the Gold Coast will synthesize his work across three continents to outline a critical pedagogical framework called ‘Response-Able Pedagogy for HPE’. The framework aims to inform teaching practices that work to empower young people to develop the ‘abilities’ to ‘respond’ to a range of community-based issues at the intersection of sustainability, health and well-being, and social (in)justice. A former teacher in urban state schools, Dillon enjoys café culture, traveling, boba, going to the gym, eating dessert, and messaging with Cartier and Oligar about their friends Paris Hilton, Greta, and Tilapia. He is thankful for the guidance and support (both personal and professional) he receives from colleagues – Cara, Carrie, Claire, Jen, Luci, Oli, Sara, Sue, and Tara. Dillon is very humbled his support letter was written by his mentor, supervisor, and (s)hero – Associate Professor Katie Fitzpatrick.

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AIESEP was founded in Lisbon in 1962, with the intent of bringing together scholars in the field of physical education and sport to share knowledge and engage in quality research.

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