AIESEP Connect: Transforming Practice through Self-Study

Although self-study is not a novel research practice (Ovens & Fletcher, 2014), it was new to me, last year, when I engaged in conversations with my AIESEP colleagues Luiza Lana Gonçalves and Deniz Hunuk. Throughout 14 weeks we met, talked, reflected, wrote, listened, and challenged each other regarding our pathway to become facilitators in PETE.

Besides sharing with each other our inward journey, I realized that our self-study went beyond reflection of my own practice. I changed the way I was perceiving my students during student teaching supervision. The process of focusing on our professional differences and similarities guided us to think, cultivate, and conclude ideas that, at least at that point in our careers, could not be revealed in our usual individual reflective practices.

I’m sharing these thoughts with you, because our self-study helped me evolve and grow as a PETE faculty. But it also made me wonder: How could our method be different? What self-study topics could we have chosen? What are the insights about going through the process of transforming your practice?

Anyway, AIESEP Connect is inviting you to join a session about “Transforming Practice through Self-Study” on November 18 at 2pm in New York (USA), 4pm in Fortaleza (Brazil), 7pm in Cork (Ireland), 8pm in Brussels (Belgium), 9pm in Jyväskylä (Finland), 10pm Ankara (Turkey)

*November 19 at 8am in Auckland (New Zealand), 6am Melbourne (Australia)

Meeting URL:
Meeting ID:830 0003 2256

This session will be hosted by AIESEP Board Member Carla Vidoni, and presented by Alan Ovens (University of Auckland, New Zealand), Luiz Sanches Neto (Universidade Federal do Ceará, Brazil), and João Costa  (University College Cork, Ireland).

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AIESEP was founded in Lisbon in 1962, with the intent of bringing together scholars in the field of physical education and sport to share knowledge and engage in quality research.

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