The AIESEP Board of Directors is elected every four years at the AIESEP General Assembly. The 2018-2022 Board of Directors is comprised of 12 delegates of member institutions and 4 individual member delegates.
Left to Right: L McCuaig, U Pühse, A Ha, M Onofre, S Turcotte, P Heikinaro-Johansson, T Wallhead, M Cloes, E Gerlach, F Chambers, CW Chang, A MacPhail, A Carraro, R Czarniecka, B Dyson, D Hunuk
AIESEP Executive Committee:
Marc Cloes, President
Fiona Chambers, Secretary General
Attilio Carraro, Treasurer
Institutional Board Members:
CARRARO, Attilio (representing University of Padua)
CHAMBERS, Fiona (representing University College Cork)
CHANG, Chin-wei (representing National Taiwan Normal University)
CLOES, Marc (representing University of Liège) (President)
CZARNIECKA, Renata (representing The Josef Pilsudski University of Physical Education)
HA, Amy Sau-Ching (representing Chinese University of Hong Kong)
HEINIKARO JOHANSSON, Pilvikki (representing University of Jyväskylä)
MACPHAIL, Ann (representing University of Limerick) (Secretary General)
MCCUAIG, Louise (representing University of Queensland)
ONOFRE, Marcos (representing University of Lisbon)
PÜHSE, Uwe (representing University of Basel) (Treasurer)
TURCOTTE, Sylvain (representing University of Sherbrroke)
Individual Board Members: