Abstract and Award Deadline Extended until November 7th

The 2024 AIESEP Conference will be held in Jyväskylä, Finland from May 13-17th with pre-conference sessions being held on the 13th. The call for abstracts has been extended and now closes November 7th. There will be no virtual presentations in 2024. This conference will be in-person. However, all AIESEP members will be able to stream the keynotes live at no cost. You can find more information here: https://www.jyu.fi/en/congress/aiesep2024


The AIESEP PhD Summer School application date will NOT BE EXTENDED, and all applications are due October 31st. For more information and how to apply see the website: https://aiesep.org/aiesep-2024-summer-school-for-phd-students/

If you would like to donate to support a doctoral student to attend, you can donate here: https://donate.stripe.com/8wM17TgWV2Tof2ocMM


AIESEP is seeking applications for the Developing Country Scholar Award this award funds travel and registration for a scholar in the field of physical education and sport pedagogy to attend AIESEP 2024 in Finland. For more information and how to apply see the website:  https://aiesep.org/awards/developing-country-scholar-award/ Applications now due November 7th


AIESEP is also seeking applications for the Early Career Scholar Award. Applicants are encouraged to apply during their first three years post PhD completion. For more information and how to apply see the website:  https://aiesep.org/awards/young-scholars/Applications now due November 7th


Picture of Cassandra Iannucci

Cassandra Iannucci

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