AIESEP Connect for April – Lifestyle Sports in Physical Education  

The April AIESEP Connect session will be hosted by Dr. Kristy Howells and the speakers will be Jordan Wintle, Prof. Carrie Paechter and Dr. Alison Murray.

The connect will focus on the importance of place of Lifestyle Sports such as Parkour, Skateboarding and Cycling within Physical Education and how these could be implemented and incorporated more into the curriculum. In such ways to engage children, young people and educators as they co-construct their learning both in the curriculum time and outside the classroom into their physical activity settings to develop life-long and life-wide physical activity. 

With contributions from renowned scholars who are committed to raising the awareness of the importance of lifestyle sports and the contribution they could make to our next generation of learners. This session offers a set of critical perspectives on how to capture children and young people’s passion and to focus on their personal physical activity preferences, such as skateboarding, cycling and parkour which will be our focus for the connect.

Date and Timezones: 

Friday, April 28th, 11am (British summer time)  

Click here to check your time zone. 

Meeting URL:
Meeting ID:861 4894 4919
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