AIESEP Early Career Scholar Award 2023: Eishin Teraoka

Eishin Teraoka is an Assistant Professor at Nippon Sport Science University in Japan (April 2022 – current). Previously, after completing his PhD in Education under the supervision of Professor David Kirk at the University of Strathclyde, Glasgow, UK, he worked at the Institute of Physical Education, Keio University (April 2020 – March 2022). Eishin has become the first Japanese scholar to receive the AIESEP Early Career Scholar Award. His area of interest is in pedagogical research that seeks to answer questions about how physical education can contribute to young people’s health and well-being, how the physical education teachers can support and work with pupils, what young individuals think about their lives, and how much physical education is helpful and meaningful for them. Eishin is currently working on quantitative and qualitative research methods to explore critical pedagogies of affect that view affective learning as direct intended outcomes and embodied experiences of physical education. He believes that the focus on learning in the affective domain is important due to the reported increasing prevalence of mental health issues among young people, which is a real and pressing need. At the 2023 AIESEP International Conference, Eishin  (along with his colleague) will present his ongoing research on teachers’ antecedents of enacting pedagogies of affect from across the Japanese secondary school physical education with a pragmatic mixed methods approach. His recommendation for the Early Career Scholar Award came from his mentor, Professor Yoshinori Okade.


You can meet Eishin Teraoka and other Early Career Scholars awardees on July 4th, between 10am and 1pm, during the Early Career Network Workshop at the AIESEP International Conference in Santiago, Chile.

Picture of Cassandra Iannucci

Cassandra Iannucci

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