AIESEP Pre-conference in Chile – Early Career Network Workshop – register here

On July 4th at 10 am to 1 pm, we will host an Early Career Network Workshop. The purpose of the workshop is to provide a space for conversation among scholars from diverse countries about the complexities, intricacies, and possibilities of multiple roles in an academic career. We invited previous Early Career Scholar award winners (formally Young Scholar Award) to participate in and run some of the workshops.

To register, please follow the next steps:

2. Click Overview
3. Scroll down to “Edit Your Participant Registration Details”
4. Scroll down to Pre Conference and Early Career Network Workshop.

5. Click on the boxes you would like to add to your registration.

Also, the session seeks to offer a basis for networking, especially for welcoming scholars from Latin American countries who are attending the AIESEP conference for the first time. The workshops will be designed as an interactive friendly space where translation to Portuguese and Spanish will be available informally. In this workshop, attendees will have an opportunity to discuss with international scholars about challenges, opportunities, and strategies used to develop academic roles. The session will be organised in three moments:


1st moment (10 am-10:45 am): Conversation with Professor Doune Macdonald

Topics to be discussed:

  • career management and progression
  • balancing responsibilities in teaching, research and service
  • future trajectories of higher education

Break – 15min – networking


2nd moment (11:00-12:00): Rotational/parallel group discussions (30 min each – total 1h min)

  1. Becoming a quality reviewer: discussing the why(s) and how(s) to review papers ethically and assertively; sharing experiences of reviewing papers; discussing principles for reviewing.

Early Career Scholar award winners: Cassandra Iannucci and Kelly Simonton


  1. International collaboration: identifying and discussing challenges and opportunities for international research; raising contextual factors that facilitate/hinder research; convergences and divergences in research topics.

Early Career Scholar award winners: Jenna Lorusso, Heidi J Ferreira and Luiz Gustavo Bonatto Rufino (Developing Country Award winner)


Break – 15min – networking


3rd moment (12:15 am- 1 pm): Conversation with Professor Ann MacPhail

Topics to be discussed:

  • research integrity
  • capturing the experiences of PhD candidates
  • capacity for supervision

Early Career Network Workshop organisers: Carla Luguetti, Carla Vidoni and Kristy Howells



Picture of Cassandra Iannucci

Cassandra Iannucci

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