Come join us on Friday as we host the #AIESEPConnect. The Early Years Special Interest Group will be hosting the session, showcasing published research, current projects and highlighting new opportunities. The programme includes:
Introductions and welcomes
Welcome from Fiona Chambers, from the AIESEP board.
Dr Arja Sääkslahti from the University of Jyväskylä and Dr Kristy Howells from Canterbury Christ Church University, will introduce and explain what the Early Years Special Interest Group is.
Showcasing research
Dr Kristy Howells will showcase our collaborative research piece of work that we started in AIESEP 2018 Edinburgh Early Years SIG precongress, and continued working, developing and the publishing in 2019 – the 10 country policy and practice analysis. – Howells K., and Sääkslahti, A. (2019) (eds.) Physical Activity Recommendations for Early Childhood. An international analysis of 10 different countries’ current national physical activity policies and practices for those under the age of 5. In Fédération Internationale D’éducation Physique (FIEP, 2019) Physical Education in Early Childhood Education and Care: Researches – Best Practice Situation. Liliane Morgado and Prof Boris Jidovtseff, from the University of Liège will showcase the pictorial scale, the second collaborative publication that has come out of the SIG this year: – Morgado L.D.S., De Martelaer K., D’Hondt E., Barnett L.M., Costa A.M., Howells K., Sääkslahti A., Jidovtseff B. (2020). Pictorial Scale of Perceived Water Competence: Manual Testing. 1st Edition. Early Years SIG AIESEP.
Current Projects
Donna Niemistö from the University of Jyväskylä will share her current project from her PhD research, which focuses ‘Motor competence and perceived motor competence in Finnish childcare children and their associated factors’.
Dr Ann-Christin Sollerhed from Kristianstad University will to share her current project which is undertaken in five preschools to investigate what happens in the group of teachers and their work with the children when focus is put on motor skills and physical activity in the preschool.
Next Steps
Dr Arja Sääkslahti will share our next EY SIG steps for 2020 into 2021 and explain the call for articles for all and special edition journal that 3 of the EY SIG are co-editing which focuses on Physical Education in Early Childhood in the International Journal of Environmental Research and Public Health.
Please note the time is 12 noon Central European Summer Time. Zoom meeting details are below.
Meeting ID: 948 5210 6944
Password: 683560