Fellowship Awards

The AIESEP Fellowship is an outstanding academic recognition, which is awarded to qualified scholars.

Purpose of the AIESEP Fellowship:

– To recognise scholarly excellence in research in physical education, physical activity and sport pedagogy across the lifespan.

– To recognise excellence in professional practice in physical education, physical activity and sport pedagogy across the lifespan.

Minimum Requirements:

– International recognition of academic and professional development.

– More than five high standard publications in the period after obtaining the doctoral degree to the time of application (e.g. in reviewed journals, online journals).

– Membership of AIESEP for at least three consecutive years prior to nomination for fellowship.

– Active participation in two international meetings of AIESEP within the past five years.

The Process:

1. The candidate is suggested by two Fellows or Board Members of AIESEP. The Fellows or Board Members write letters of recommendation to the Secretary General.

2. After receiving the two letters of recommendation the Secretary General invites the candidate to forward his/her application comprising a current and complete CV.

3. The Fellowship Committee evaluates the application to ensure that the candidate meets all requirements. A majority of the Fellowship Committee must approve.

4. The final evaluation is the responsibility of the AIESEP Board.*

5. The Fellowship is awarded in the presence of the candidate.

In Special Cases:

The Board reserves the right to waive the requirements. The use of the waiver is restricted to truly exceptional applicants who have a distinguished record of contributions to the goals of AIESEP for more than ten years. The Board may also withdraw Fellow status based on ethical considerations. In both cases unanimity of the votes of the Board is necessary.

*Members of the Board of Directors are not eligible for consideration for the Fellowship Award while they are serving on the Board.


Current AIESEP Fellows:

  • Len Almond
  • Chantal Amade-Escot
  • Kathleen Armour
  • Linda Bain
  • Gary Barrette
  • Tara Blackshear
  • Hans Peter Brandl-Bredenbeck
  • W.D Brettschneider
  • John Cheffers
  • Mac Cloes
  • Bart Crum
  • Francisco Carreiro Da Costa
  • Karen De Pauw
  • Gudrun Doll-Tepper
  • Marc Durand
  • Eitan Eldar
  • Ron Feingold
  • Sara Flory
  • Marcus Gerber
  • Erin Gerlach
  • Paul Godbout
  • Carlos Goncavles
  • Miguel Gonzalez Valerio
  • Jean-Francis Gréhaigne
  • Leen Haerens
  • Udo Hanke
  • Isreal Harari
  • Mirja Hirvensalo
  • Peter Iserbyt
  • Lauri Laakso
  • Mario Lopez
  • Doune Macdonald
  • Ann MacPhail
  • Thomas Martinek
  • Thomas McKenzie
  • Bryan McCullick
  • Chin Ming-Kai
  • Nyit Keh
  • Pamela Hodges Kulinna
  • Roland Naul
  • Mary O’Sullivan
  • Claude Paré
  • Melissa Parker
  • Maurice Piéron
  • Maria-Paule Poggi
  • Uwe Pühse
  • Jong Quek Jin
  • Luis Scipion Ribeiro
  • Kevin Andrew Richards
  • Judith Rink
  • Peter Röthig
  • Arja Saakslahti
  • George Sage
  • Paul Schempp
  • Daryl Siedentop
  • Deborah Tannehill
  • Risto Telama
  • Richard Tinning
  • Marielle Tousignant
  • Manoel Tubino
  • Sylvain Turcotte
  • Hans van der Mars
  • Nathalie Wallian