Developing Country Scholar Award


Award Announcement: AIESEP Developing Country Scholar Award


The AIESEP Developing Country Scholar Award is intended to support scholars from a developing country to attend an AIESEP conference in order to recognize their scholarly work and create stronger connections between AIESEP and developing countries.


The 2025 AIESEP congress will be organized in St. Petersburg, Florida, USA. All Developing Country Scholars who meet criteria are encouraged to apply. We especially invite emerging scholars in the early stages of their careers to apply for this award.


Eligibility is confined to academic faculty located in a Developing Country. The research to be presented at AIESEP should be grounded in Physical Education, Health Education, and/or Sport Pedagogy and the research presented should be conducted in a developing country.


Note: Researchers from developing countries, who meet the criteria, are encouraged to apply by September 15th, 2024.


Please send your abstract to Joao Martins and Arja Sääkslahti ( and who are members of the AIESEP Developing Country Award committee. Please send the following information by email:

  • Abstract author name and email address. Please also include all co-authors as well as clearly listing who is the presenting author
  • Title
  • Abstract (following abstract instructions from the congress page: )
  • Theme (see: )
  • Format (oral and/or research symposium. The AIESEP 2025 conference is in-person. This means you must present in-person)

Application Process:

In addition to the above information., applicants must submit the following documentation, via email, to Joao and Arja  at: and no later than September 15th, 2024.

  1. CV,
  2. One-page description of intention for future involvement in AIESEP Physical Education and Sport Pedagogy research,
  3. Please name and describe why you would like to connect with any AIESEP Board members and/or international scholars that you would like to interact with to support your research,
  4. One-page description of your research study from a Developing Country, and
  5. Abstract submitted to AIESEP 2024 Conference Jyväskylä, Finland.
  6. Letter of recommendation from a senior researcher or an AIESEP member in good standing.


Those receiving the AIESEP Developing Country Scholar Award will be responsible for

(a) delivering a presentation (oral or poster) at the given AIESEP Conference and

(b) participating in the events scheduled for the AIESEP Developing Country Scholar Award at the given conference.


Award details:

Developing Country Scholar Awards will be awarded for the 2025 AIESEP Conference hosted on May 18th -22nd, 2025. Award  winners will have their membership and registration fee waived by the AIESEP board.


Developing Country Scholar Award Committee (2025):

Joao Martins, Arja Sääkslahti, Carla Vidoni and Tristan Wallhead.


For questions please email the Developing Country Scholar Award Committee at: Joao Martins and Arja Sääkslahti


Previous Developing Country Scholar Award Recipients


  • Daniel Gaita Njenga (Kenya)
  • Ernest Yeboah Acheampong (Ghana)


  • Vitor Costa (Brazil)



  • Tasleem Arif (Pakistan)
  • Luiz Gustavo Bottanatto Rufino (Brazil)


AIESEP 2021 – Honorary Developing Country Scholar Award Recipients:

  • Berkcan Boz (Turkey)
  • Donny Wira Yudha Kusuma (Indonesia)
  • Lara Paul (South Africa)
  • Teneille Venter (South Africa)
  • Anggit Wicaksono (Indonesia)





  • Luiza Goncalves (Brazil)



