Biennial Meeting of ARIS (Association for the Research on Intervention in Sport)

On February 25-28, of the next Biennale of ARIS (Association for the Research on Intervention in Sport) that will be held in Liège, Belgium. See

This conference will be the central point of a series of events focusing on intervention in several domains of physical activity and sports, organized within the 3rd Week of Physical Education, Physical Activity, and Sports (SEPAPS) of ULiège.

As a reminder, the intervention corresponds to Sport pedagogy and is defined by ARIS as ‘Any professional act implementing skills, experience and theoretical knowledge in the service of a goal, in different fields of human motor skills (school, sports club, active leisure, rehabilitation, psychomotricity …), for the benefit of varied audiences, at different ages of life. Research in this area is therefore concerned with everything related to the teaching act in any context of physical, sport and artistic activities … and/or the training of all the actors who supervise these activities. This includes physical education teachers, sports coaches, fitness instructors, dance teachers, physical educators in charge of specific groups … and their trainers!

During that week, there will be four events :

– ADISEPUL Symposium (February 24, 2020) – Presentation of a selection of the master theses in Sport Sciences defended in 2019 at the University of Liège
– AIESEP Symposium (February 25, 2020) – Exchange Day on Physical Literacy (key elements that lead a person to engage in physical activity = the starting point for a motor education)
– 11th Biennale of ARIS (February 26-28, 2020) – Three days of lectures, oral communications and scientific communications, and practical workshops on a central theme ‘Shaping physically educated citizens: A challenge for school, sport, and recreation professionals, afternoon’, and a special afternoon ‘Practitioners speak to researchers’
– 4th Guy Namurois Seminar (February 29, 2020) – Important meeting of sports coaches and physical trainers

The following link gives an access to the general website : For information on any of the activities, simply click on the corresponding tab.

Pay attention to those important dates :

– Opening of the registrations : early August 2019
– Deadline for scientific abstract submission : September 15, 2019.
– Deadline for field practices abstract submission : December 1st, 2019.
– Deadline of the early registration : January 1st, 2020

For the provisional program, click

Beyond the researchers involved in the field of intervention in sport, it should be remembered that the ARIS Biennial of Liège will highlight practitioners, i.e. anyone who supervises physical, sports or artistic activities or who trains physical educators. An unique opportunity to expose what is happening on the field! To help the practitioners to prepare and submit their contribution, a toolbox is available on the website (see

For additional information request:

Looking forward to meeting you in Liege !!!

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