BMC-EU at the Healthy & Active Children Congress in Italy

A group of researchers from the AIESEP family have lately been working on the BMC-EU project (Basic Motor Competencies in Europe; PIs: Erin Gerlach & Jeffrey Sallen [Potsdam, Germany], Christian Herrmann [Basel, Switzerland] & Claude Scheuer [Luxembourg]) in a network of 14 partners from eleven European countries. The network was mainly established during AIESEP conferences in the past. The project as well as the results of the included comparative MOBAK study in eleven countries will be presented during the symposium “Basic Motor Competencies in Europe (BMC-EU)”at the “Healthy & Active Children” congress in Verona, Italy, from 11th until 14th September 2019. In addition to the MOBAK symposium, there will be a practical workshop with children where a demonstration of the MOBAK assessment will take place. The researchers are open for collaborations with researchers from other countries beyond the eleven project partners. There will be further scientific presentations by several other AIESEP members at this conference (i.e. AIESEP special interest group early childhood).

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