Call for Special Issue articles on Intersectionality (SES)

Call for Special Issue articles on Intersectionality (Sport Education and Society)

Intersectionality: Exploring the possibilities and challenges for intersectional research in Physical Education and Sport

Intersectionality, a term first coined in the late 1980s by Kimberlé Crenshaw, is a central feature of contemporary debates concerning issues of social justice. Described in various ways – an analytical theory, concept, framework, heuristic device, process, and critical approach, advocates champion the ways it challenges dominant understandings of discrimination based on singular axes of oppression. Rooted in Black feminism, it has been invaluable in acknowledging individuals’ multiple social locations (for example, gender, race, ethnicity, religion, sexuality, class, disability, age ….) and how these interplay with wider social structures, systems, ideologies and institutional policy, practices and processes. Intersectionality has offered an invaluable lens to explore how power, privilege, inequalities and difference are (re)produced and maintained for groups historically marginalised, excluded and ignored within research, policy and practice. However, intersectionality is not simply preoccupied with exposing inequalities. With social justice a core principle, it is also committed to change, creating more equitable conditions, and making a difference in people’s lives. Despite its value, it remains relatively under-utilised in research in Physical Education and sport. Yet its potential is compelling to a field fraught with inequalities, tensions, and moral dilemmas.

This Special Issue seeks to bring together a diversity of voices from the social sciences, education, sport, PE, and health, keen to extend theoretical, methodological and empirical understandings. Whilst we are keen to have a broad focus for this Special Issue, some suggested topics include:

  1. Research taking an intersectional approach that considers young people’s (or adults’) experiences.
  2. Research drawing on an intersectional lens to critically analyse policy and/or pedagogy.
  3. Methodological papers that shed light on the ways that intersectional issues can be researched.
  4. Papers that considered the ways in which policy, pedagogy and practice can make better use of an intersectional approach.
  5. Theoretical considerations regarding the utility, challenges, and implications of adopting an intersectional approach.
  6. Papers that consider the future of intersectionality in extending research and praxis.

Looking to Publish your Re

Submission Instructions

To be considered for the Special Issue, we invite you to submit a 300 word abstract to the lead Guest Editor.

All final paper submissions will be a maximum of 7,500 words inclusive of references.

All submissions will be subject to the double-blind review process by a minimum of two referees and feedback provided.


Deadlines for submission:

Abstracts submitted directly to Lead Guest Editor (Annette Stride – by January 1st 2024

Feedback/confirmation by March 1st 2024

Full papers submitted via ScholarOne for review by September 1st 2024

Final papers submitted via ScholarOne by January 1st 2025

Intended Online Publication Date: TBC


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