#CoffeeWithColleagues–January 27th

Dear AIESEP Community, 

Join us on Friday January 27th  6am EST (12:00pm CET), for an AIESEP Connect #CoffeeWithColleagues event titled 24 hours movement guidelines: Pedagogical implications for schools, sport and health clubs.

Given the concerning evidence about the levels of physical activity, sedentary behavior, and sleep among children and adolescents1,2, the promotion of healthy lifestyles among this population continues to represent a major educational and public health challenge. Worldwide, the efforts to promote these behaviors have been traditionally done in isolation, ignoring the relationships among them, and seldom considering the 24-Hour movement paradigm2,4. This paradigm recognizes that the whole day matter and that individual behaviors should be considered simultaneously, because they interact, conflate, and influence an individual’s health3,5. The 24-hour movement guidelines represent, therefore, a paradigm shift for practitioners, researchers and organizations, such as schools, sports and health clubs. This paradigm calls for a change in thinking and how to promote active and healthy lifestyles.

On January 27th, by 12:00pm (6am EST), an AIESEP connect titled “24-Hour movement guidelines: Pedagogical implications for schools, sport and health clubs” will take place. The discussion is going to be led by Professor Andy Daly-Smith (University of Bradford, United Kingdom), Professor Pedro Sanchéz-Miguel and Dr Miguel Tapia-Serrano (University of Extremadura), Professor Rute Santos (University of Porto, Portugal), and Professor João Martins (University of Lisbon and AIESEP). Join us!

If you are unable to attend, not to worry, it will be recorded and available on the Playing With Research in Health and Physical Education podcast as well as on the AIESEP Website here

We hope to see you there! 

All are invited. Please feel free to circulate within your networks.

  https://deakin.zoom.us/j/88279528184?from=addon Meeting ID: 882 7952 8184 Password: 50039139

(click here for a link to check your time zone conversion). 

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