‘Creative and Innovative Methodologies in Educational Research’ Specialist Symposium- EERA Network 18

March 27th 2019

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The European Educational Research Association Network 18: Research in Sport Pedagogy is hosting a two-day specialist seminar on 16th and 17th May 2019 at Loughborough University, UK.

This two-day specialist symposium is focused on ‘Creative and Innovative Methodologies in Educational Research’ and has been developed to help academics to explore new ways of generating research with, by and for young people.

The event has been part-funded by the European Educational Research Association and invites experienced academics and early career researchers to come together and discuss issues relating to creative and innovative methodologies within educational research.  

The symposium will include case study presentations and invited speakers as well as workshop activities and group discussions. Using an interactive approach, this symposium will:

  1. Encourage critical debate about the need for/use of creative and innovative methods within educational research
  2. Examine key challenges around these issues and identify implications for practice
  3. Explore the potential of the CREATE reflexive tool to help shape research projects drawing upon creative and innovative methods

There are 50 places in total for this seminar. There are a limited number of bursaries (to the value of £250) available to support the attendance of colleagues from low GDP countries. Please contact Dr. Oliver Hooper for further information regarding this funding (O.R.Hooper@lboro.ac.uk).

In order to secure your place, please book and pay the registration fee (£120 standard, £60 low GDP) at: https://store.lboro.ac.uk/conferences-and-events/school-of-sport-exercise-and-health-sciences/upcoming-events  

Please note that additional information relating to the venue (e.g. location and accommodation) can also be found via the link above.

Warmest regards

Rachel Sandford (Network 18 Convenor)

Picture of Cassandra Iannucci

Cassandra Iannucci

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