Cubamotricidad 2018 “For a Physical Culture of Peace”

The World Organization of Stimulation, Education and Child Development (OMEEDI), the International Association of Physical Education and Sports for Girls and Women (IAPESGW), the International Association of Sports for All (TAFISA) with the National Institute of Sports , Physical Education and Recreation (INDER) of the Republic of Cuba, with the auspice of prestigious institutions and international organizations are convening the International Congress Cubamotricidad 2018, which will take place from October 22nd to 26th at the Havana Convention Center, Cuba .

Within the framework of this academic event, the Regional Congress of IAPESGW, the Pan-American Congress of Sport for All of the International Association of Sports for All (TAFISA), the Convention of Child Psychomotricity, as well as several events related to Physical Education and the School Sports, Community Physical Activity and Recreation, themes that emphasize its importance for the benefits that its systematic practice, the opportunities for active recreation that it offers and its potential as a valuable educational tool in the formation of values that must accompany the being human in his social and professional life.

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