‘Future Directions in PE Assessment’ programme & abstract deadline updates

The program of the AIESEP Specialist Seminar ‘Future Directions in PE Assessment’ is taking shape. Speakers include Jacalyn Lund, Dawn Penney, Ann MacPhail, Petter Leirhaug, Hans van der Mars, Victor Lopéz Pastor, Peter Iserbyt, Lena Svennberg, Sarah Doolittle and Miriam Seyda.

The seminar will work towards an AIESEP Position Statement on Assessment, and cover topics such as accountability & policy, instructional alignment, assessment for learning, PETE, and technology & assessment.

The deadline for abstract submission has now been extended until June 15th.
Please join us in Eindhoven, The Netherlands from October 18-20 2018 for this exiting AIESEP meeting!

For more info please visit www.pe-assessment.com.

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