Jyväskylä, 1982

Organiser: University of Jyväskylä. Commemoration of the centennial of the introduction of physical education teacher training at the University.

Chairperson: R. Telama.

Theme: Research in school physical education


  1. Teacher and pupil characteristics and their behavior in physical education classes;
  2. Measurement problems in studying the teaching of physical education;
  3. Qualitative aspects of school physical education;
  4. Effects and outcomes of school physical education;
  5. Development of physical abilities of school children;
  6. Aspects of and research on physical education teacher training.

Publication: Telama R., Varstala V., Tiainen J., Laakso L. & Haajanen T. «Research in School physical education». Jyväskylä: The foundation for promotion of physical culture and health.

Picture of sebastian.ludyga


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