Madrid, 2015

Date: July 08-11, 2015

Host Partner: Universidad Europea de Madrid

Location: Madrid, Spain

Theme: Moving up physical education and sports participation on the public health agenda: It is not too late to act


– Integrating physical education, sports and active leisure on the public health agenda. Providing evidence and promoting best practices.

– Formal and non-formal education, strategies and policy development in physical education and sport and sport promotion.

– Best practices for education, training and development of physical education graduates, teachers, sport coaches, and active leisure animators.

– Emerging practices for motor skills development and performance in school and higher education settings.

– Social responsibility, sustainability and values development through physical education, sport, and active leisure.



Picture of Eileen


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AIESEP was founded in Lisbon in 1962, with the intent of bringing together scholars in the field of physical education and sport to share knowledge and engage in quality research.

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