National Academy of Health and Physical Literacy

The National Academy of Health and Physical Literacy was launched today to advance health and physical literacy for all individuals.

The Academy was created to be a diverse, inclusive, member-driven organization advancing the dimensions of health and physical literacy through professional development, advocacy, mentoring, and applied research in the areas of health, physical education, dance, and sport.

The Academy puts members at the center of the organization and seeks to grow and advance professional leaders who will interact and network on regional, national, and global levels to expand health and physical literacy opportunities for children and adults.

Personal Health Literacy is the degree to which individuals have the ability to find, understand and use information and services to inform health-related decisions and actions for themselves and others (Healthy People 2030, US Department of Health and Human Services).

Physical Literacy is the motivation, confidence, physical competence, knowledge and understanding to value and take responsibility for engagement in physical activities for life (International Physical Literacy Association, May 2014).

Leaders and members of the Academy will plan and implement professional development opportunities and events at the national and regional levels, and advocate for health and physical literacy across agency/business, community, clinic/hospital, PK-12, college/university, and non-profit entities.

The four regions of the Academy (Eastern Seaboard, Midland, Southern Tier and West Coast) stand ready to provide professional development and networking in each region. Now more than ever, both children and adults living in isolation this past year due to the pandemic, need support in understanding health and physical literacy and what that means to living a healthy, active lifestyle.

Inaugural President, Charity Bryan, Professor and Department Head of the Department of Kinesiology and Health Studies at Southeastern Louisiana University said, “I am both proud and honored to lead NAHPL in its inaugural year. We look forward to engaging professionals in health and physical literacy fields from all across the nation as we engage in meaningful work that supports a healthy, active nation.”

To join or learn more about the National Academy of Health and Physical Literacy, visit

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