National Academy of Kinesiology Annual Meeting, September 12 – 14, 2019

The National Academy of Kinesiology will hold its 89th annual meeting at the Hyatt Regency Bellevue in Bellevue, Washington, USA during September 12-14, 2019. Past-President of the Academy Brad Hatfield (University of Maryland) introduced the 2019 conference theme as “Optimization of Human Performance.” In preparing the program he was assisted by the members the Planning Committee including: Mary Jane DeSouza (Penn State University), Peter Hastie (Auburn University), David Perrin (University of Utah), Rick Kreider (Texas A & M University), David Wiggins (George Mason University), and Ron Zernicke (University of Michigan). During the meeting luminaries in Kinesiology will be addressing this topic from multiple perspectives including: Philosophical and historical context; Biophysical perspective – biomechanical, metabolic, training and gender elements; Neuroscience and psychological perspectives; Developing the performer – teaching and organizational facilitation; and Sports medicine perspectives – Keeping the elite performer “in play”.

Adam Russell, Ph.D. (currently a program manager at DARPA and a former program manager at IARPA) will give a talk titled “Practice Makes Permanent: Reproducibility and the Future of Human Performance Research” and Tsung-Min (Ernest) Hung (National Taiwan Normal University) will deliver the C. Lynn Vendien International Lecture.

Recently inducted Academy Fellows will be introducing their work in a special session on Friday afternoon. Other highlights include the formal induction of newly elected Fellows of the National Academy of Kinesiology, recognizing and hearing from the 2019 Hetherington Award recipient, and the installment of the newly elected officers and executive committee members.

You do not need to be an Academy Fellow or member of the National Academy of Kinesiology member to attend. Non-members are welcome. Further information about registration is available at the Academy’s website or by contacting the Academy’s Business Manager, Kim Scott at:

A description of the speakers and program is available at the Academy’s website and in the freely available Spring 2019 newsletter (also available at the website).

Future Academy meetings will be held in:
2020 – Hilton Providence, Providence, Rhode Island – September 24-26, 2020
2021 – Newport Beach, California – September 23-25, 2021

The dual purpose of the National Academy of Kinesiology shall be to encourage and promote the study and educational applications of the art and science of human movement and physical activity and to honor by election to its membership persons who have directly or indirectly contributed significantly to the study of and/or application of the art and science of human movement and physical activity. For further information see:

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