PE in Japan and international network

1 State and art of PE in Japan
Generally to say, PE is taught 3 hours in a week from 1st grade to 12 grader. PE in elementary school is taught by classroom teacher and that of in junior and senior high school by Physical Education Teacher.
Japanese Government, Educational Board, School and Universities are cooperating in each other to implement Quality Physical Education based on the mandated Course of Study for Physical Education in align with pre-service program to in-service program.
At the university level, Physical Education is one of elective subject.
Japan is supporting developing countries long time also for promoting Health and Physical Education and Sport. Also Sport for tomorrow is the Japanese program for supporting sport and Physical Education over 100 counties until 2020. Japanese Health and PE system is one model to promote such programs till 2020 based on former experiences.

2 Philosophy of PE and current mega trend

PE in Japan is aiming to enhance 3 competencies(Skill and Knowledge, thinking, decision making and expression, Attitude to learn and Humanity)for life long participation in sport in different manner. Life ling participation in Sport does not limit doing sport or physical activities, but also enhance the value of sport in society as culture. For achieving this this goal, in physical education in school aims to enhance 3 competencies described above. Similar idea, we can find out in Sport Education Model developed by Darly Siedentop in USA and also Handlungsfaehigkeit by Dietrich Kurz in Germany. Basically, I personally agree to such idea. Not to force people to be physical active, but make them understand value of sport in society to enhance quality of life.

3 Professional Asian academic and practitioner networks
Japan Society for Pedagogy of Physical Education and Japanese Society of Sport Education are two major academic society to promote scientific research in Physical Education and Sport Education. Japanese Society of Sport Education is constituting Asian Alliance of Sport Pedagogy also in cooperating with Korean Association of Sport Pedagogy, and Taiwan Society of Sport Pedagogy. Every 3 years, each society is hosting the conference in their own country.
From 8th to 12th, the 2020 Yokohama Sport Conference will be held with the theme “Contribution to a Sustainable World” in Yokohama Japan.

4 Current Research Focus
My current research concern are 1)developing appropriate PE curriculum in cooperating with health education researcher and 2)Developing teachers Guide to plan PE lesson based on Cooperation Learning Model.

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