PEPAYS Ireland Forum 2018

The Physical Education, Physical Activity and Youth Sport (PEPAYS) Ireland Forum will take place this year on Saturday 8th September at the University of Limerick, Ireland. This year’s Forum is titled ‘Enacting and Research Irish School Physical Education’. As always, this year’s Forum will provide an opportunity for those involved in research related to physical education, physical activity and youth sport to share their work with colleagues.

Given the recent monumental changes in Irish school physical education, the focus of this year’s Forum will be on the enactment of such changes. Across all related physical education curriculum developments, implementation (outcome, learning experiences and assessment) is a common area of interest for physical education teachers and teacher educators. This will be discussed further during the Forum with an opportunity for attendees to engage with the realities of implementing the various curricula in schools and identifying how best they can be supported to maintain this work.

Participants are invited to submit abstracts for presentations that fit at least one of the following research categories: Health and wellbeing; Inclusion in physical education, physical activity and youth sport; Physical Education curriculum; Developing talent; Learning to teach; Active schools – active communities; and Coaching effectiveness. More details on submission guidelines on the PEPAYS Ireland website ( Deadline for poster and oral presentation abstracts is the 10th August.

Registration can be made on the Eventbrite website ( €30 for general submission and €15 for students.

Programme includes:
– Keynote: Experiencing unprecedented changes in school physical education – Suzanne Hargreaves
– Principles of effective assessment
– Parallel research presentations
– Lunch
– Panel meeting with representation from difference agencies
– Researching primary physical education, Junior Cycle Physical Education, Senior Cycle Physical Education and Leaving Certificate Physical Education
– Active research opportunities for physical education teachers and stakeholders
– Closing remarks

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