Physical education in early years – Special issue is published

The AIESEP Early Years SIG is celebrating the publication of our Special Issue in Journal of Early Childhood Education Research (JECER) – Physical education in early childhood education. Selected work of leading early childhood education as well as leading physical education researchers (43 in total) from 13 different countries were published to further extend out understandings through findings based on their recent research and policy analysis.

In this special issue, PE was seen as curriculum based content of early childhood education and care (ECEC) and the articles share research on perceptions and attitudes of ECEC staff, as well as focusing on pedagogical approaches. Physical activity includes different intensity levels, motor skills and play from the movement point of view. Therefore, the articles share research focusing on PE programmes and PA interventions that targeted supporting young children’s holistic development, such as physical, motor, cognitive, social, emotional, psychology and moral point of view.

Physically active play is children’s natural way to implement their physical curiosity toward environment and way of learning about themselves and about the world around them. ECEC teachers’ who have a better understanding about developmental aspects can use this knowledge to help them to plan interesting, child centred learning environment to children.

We are so happy that these articles are incredibly varied in nature and include those that are: theoretical in nature; large scale quantitative empirical research; case study in depth qualitative analysis; PA intervention study, as well as motor skill intervention study.

We also celebrate the final article within the special issue that is a large international comparative scientific writing that focuses in on a critical commentary of 12 country policy and practice analysis of how can we inspire, motivate young children to be physically active through play.

The special edition can be accessed via the following web link:



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AIESEP was founded in Lisbon in 1962, with the intent of bringing together scholars in the field of physical education and sport to share knowledge and engage in quality research.

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