SSJ Special Issue: Race, Antiracism, and Sport for Development

Shared below is an excerpt from the Call for Papers for a Special Issue of Sociology of Sport Journal entitled “A Critical Examination of Race and Antiracism in the Sport for Development Field: Reimagining and Recreating Spaces for True Racial Inclusion and Equity.”

This special issue seeks critical examinations of research, policy, and practice that highlight, describe, and challenge racism, racist practices, and racial hierarchies in the SfD field, and in doing so, move closer to improving experiences and outcomes for racial groups facing intersecting oppressions. In this special issue, race and racism are conceptualized as socially constructed systems of oppression grounded in political and economic domination on the basis of phenotypical and cultural identities and backgrounds. Relatedly, this special issue will explore a range of intersecting oppressions, including but not limited to post-colonial and settler colonialism relations, anti-Black racism, anti-Asian racism, anti-Indigenous racism, Islamophobia, anti-Semitism, sexism, ableism, classism, ageism, heterosexism, and transphobia.

The special issue welcomes theoretical, empirical, and conceptual submissions from a broad range of disciplines, along with a range of theoretical sub-disciplines in sociology (e.g., critical race theory, post-colonialism, critical whiteness studies). Given the intersection between race and racism with other social locations (e.g., gender, class, ethnicity, sexuality, geography), we certainly welcome intersectional analyses between antiracism and feminism, queer theory, neo-Marxism, and beyond. However, this special issue is particularly interested in manuscripts with an explicit centering of race and anti-racism analyses. Different stakeholders such as researchers, educators, practitioners, policymakers, and participants are encouraged to submit manuscripts, with the hope of cultivating antiracist communities of practice.

Go here for the link to the Call For Papers:

Please address any questions to the guest editors:

Dr. Meredith A. Whitley (

Dr. Joseph N. Cooper (

Dr. Simon C. Darnell (

Dr. Akilah R. Carter-Francique (

Mr. Kip G. O’Rourke-Brown (

Deadline for submission of papers: February 15, 2022

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