Symposium – Digital technology in physical education and sports – A contemporary perspective. October 20-21, 2022

Digital technology in physical education and sports – A contemporary perspective is a free of cost hybrid mini conference hosted by the international research group Digital technology in Physical Education and Sports (DiTePES). The topics covers a wide range of aspects including digital technology in physical education and sports and the aim is to bring forward new research focusing on the pedagogical and contemporary perspective, and to bring together the research community evolving around digital technology in physical education and sports.

By this you are invited to send in an abstract for an oral presentation belonging to one of the following topics:

Digital technology in physical education and sports and:

  • Bodily learning
  • Adapted/differentiated learning
  • Bildung
  • Outdoor learning
  • Cross subject learning
  • Student assessment
  • Online learning
  • Equity

Send abstract to before August 31, 2022.


Key notes

Chad Killian

What are Whole School, Whole Community, Whole Child Approaches if the School and Community are Virtual? And Other Implications of the Expansion of Digital Learning.

This presentation will address research on online physical education in light of broader school health promotion initiatives. (Unforeseen) implications of the expansion of online physical education within different learning environments will be discussed and limitations of current conceptualizations of school health promotion frameworks will be explored.

Julia Sargent

Flipped Learning in Physical Education: What do we know and where could we go? This presentation will seek to present an overview of flipped learning approach in relation to physical education. Drawing upon different digital technologies, it will seek to consider how these technologies can be used by teachers and students for different educational outcomes. It will also provide a few insights into Østerlie, Sargent and Killian’s new book on this topic area.

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