Symposium – The “school disciplines”: ways of thinking about the world

On July 5-6, 2018, the Research Unit on Didactics of the University of Liege (Belgium) will organize a symposium untitled ‘Les disciplines enseignées : des modes de penser le monde’ (The “school disciplines”: ways of thinking about the world).


Up to the end of the 19th century, in France, “school discipline” referred to the “policing of establishments”, or a way of ensuring order in classes and schools. What we call “school disciplines” was represented by the terms “branches” or “school subjects”. It was only at the beginning of the 20th century that the term appeared in its current form, and it did so following a double debate. At the start of the 21st century, school continues to be affected by the emergence, a century ago, of “school disciplines”. But have the values and objectives ascribed to them evolved? What are the main areas of focus of this “intellectual discipline” that each “school discipline” is attempting to develop today? What are the repercussions of this project on the pupils’ ways of thinking? In what way and how effectively”? To what extent do the teachers adhere to the “disciplinary model” of the pupils in their care? To what extent is this persistence of “discipline” reassessed by the emergence of interdisciplinarity?

The communicators (abstract submitted by January 30, 2018) will be able to demonstrate research of a varied, epistemological, empirical and technological nature, but also diagnostic studies, method studies, action-research… Their areas of research will involve subject didactics, philosophy, sociology, history, education sciences… These communications will take four forms: (1) a symposium which will bring together at least three communications from the communicators of two different higher education establishments; (2) an individual communication (20 minutes) which will be set by the committee organiser in the panels; (3) a workshop (1h30) during which the communicator will have to “bring to life” a didactic device for the participants and allow them to analyse the effects; (4) a poster which will be presented during a session designed for this purpose.

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