TGfU Leadership Fellows Program- Call for nominations

The TGfU SIG has launched a new pilot project called the TGfU Leadership Fellow. The goal is to add three Leadership Fellows to the Executive Board to gain more voice and global representation. The Fellows would attend Executive Committee meetings and may have to complete a task to help progress our work. The Executive Board hopes that this will engage more individuals to serve as officers in the future and develop our field and community.

We recently appointed Dr Shane Pill (Flinders University, Australia) as one of our Fellows. We are currently looking for nominations for two additional Fellows.

If you are interested, please could you provide a short biography (200-300 words) and a statement as to why you wish to become a Fellow. Deadline: 1st October 2021.

Once the deadline has passed, the Executive Board will review the applications and decide on the next TGfU Leadership Fellows. Please be aware, if this scheme is successful, we will be recruiting more Fellows in the future. 

For more information or to submit your application please email

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