The 2018-2022 AIESEP Board of Directors

During the AIESEP General Assembly that was held in Edinburgh (July 27), 16 members (12 institutional members and 4 individual members) were elected to the Board of Directors. The full list is available on the Webpage ( One new institutional member (Université de Sherbrooke) and one new individual member (Deniz Hunuk – Turkey) joined the representatives who were already serving the Board during the last term. The real change is more important than this information might suggest. In fact, the representation for five of the elected institutions were replaced. This means that between institutional and individual representation, one third of the Board of Directors are new comers arriving among an experienced group. Such evolution underlines the dynamism of the association and its will to bring new ideas and projects. Further, Marc Cloes (University of Liege, Belgium) continues as President, Fiona Chambers (University College Cork, Ireland) replace Mary O’Sullivan (University of Limerick, Ireland) as Secretary General, and Attilio Carraro (University of Padua, Italy) will assume the role of Treasurer in place of Uwe Pühse (University of Basel, Switzerland).

A special thanks has been provided to six Board members who stepped down before the election and served AIESEP for 4-20 years: Doune Macdonald (University of Queensland, Australia), Mark Griffiths (University of Birmingham, UK), Michal Lenartowicz (The Joseph Pilsudski University of Physical Education, Poland), Mary O’Sullivan (University of Limerick, Ireland), Natalie Wallian (Université de Franche-Comté, France), and Hans Peter Brandl‐Bredenbeck (University of Augsburg, Germany).

In the few months, the new AIESP Board of Directors will establish a strategic plan for the next four years. One priority will be to support the organizers of the 2019 AIESEP International Conference in Garden City (Adelphi University) to propose a top level event as the World Congress in Edinburgh has been. The choice of the organizers of the 2022 World Congress and 2023 International Conference will also be two of the key next projects. For more information on hosting AIESEP 2022 and AIESEP 2023, stay tuned!

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