The 3rd, Biennial “Week of Physical Education, Physical Activity and Sports” – Liege, BEL

Liège and its region are renowned for their Belgian hospitality, their dynamism, and their interest in physical and sport activities. On February 24-29, 2020 in collaboration with several institutional partners, the University of Liege will host a series of events aiming to share a common interest in physical education, physical activity and sport pedagogy across the lifespan:

(1) The 2020 AIESEP design thinking workshop will be a special opportunity to engage in a ‘design sprint’ to innovate and iterate new pedagogies to promote physical literacy in the 21st century PE, sport and physical activity contexts.

(2) The 11th Biennale of ARIS (Association for Research on Intervention in Sport) will place practitioners and their trainers at the heart of the exchanges, with a view to creating links between researchers and field workers and to better understand the conditions that will allow participants to benefit from the contributions of sports pedagogy research. The main theme ‘Shaping physically educated citizens: A challenge for schools, sport and recreation professionals’ is divided into four axes: ‘Healthy schools: which missions for the physical education teachers?’; ‘Towards quality physical education: what practices and perspectives?’; ‘Beyond performance: what contributions of coaches to their athletes?’; ‘(R)evolution of active leisure: what contribution of physical educators?’ Two activities will be proposed to specifically enhance researchers-practitioners exchanges: practical workshops and a conference ‘Practitioners Speak to Researchers’.

(3) The 4th Guy Namurois seminar will be dedicated to sports and strength & Conditioning coaches. It will emphasise the crucial role of human relationship in the athlete development by combining research and field experiences.

Take a look at the presentation of the events and provisional program of the whole week. The abstract submission will close on September 15th 2019 (research papers) and on December 1st 2019 (‘practice’ contributions; workshops). Registration will open on August 2019.

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