Update: Extension until 13/07/2022 – Full Professorship (W3) for Sport Science (Freiburg, GER)

Consider making the switch to the University of Freiburg: It is one of the most renowned and strongest research universities in Germany, with a history spanning more than 500 years. You’ll engage in top-notch research and teaching with a unique spectrum of disciplines, perspectives, and people – right in the heart of one of Germany’s most beautiful cities.

The University of Freiburg’s human resources policy is oriented toward the principles of equal oppor-tunity and diversity. The university is committed to the goal of creating a family-friendly university.

The Faculty of Economics and Behavioral Sciences of the University of Freiburg invites applications for a Full Professorship (W3) for Sport Science with a focus on Physical Education and Health

(Successor: Prof. Dr. Petra Gieß-Stüber)

in the Department of Sport and Sportscience to be filled by 04/2023.

This professorship is also particularly suitable for highly qualified early career researchers.

The professor is responsible for representing sport and physical education in research and teaching.

The professor is expected to have proven expertise in empirical educational research in sport and to demonstrate research in the context of the intersection of sport education and sport sociology. We es-pecially encourage researchers with a focus on gender studies to apply. Expertise in methods of empir-ical educational research is required.

In teaching, the post holder provides sport pedagogy, sport didactics and social science teaching in the Bachelor’s and Master’s degree programmes in sport science and assumes responsibility for the teach-ing-related degree programmes. In addition to the general requirements under civil service law, profes-sors are required to have a university degree in sports science, pedagogical aptitude and an outstanding doctorate. Academic achievements beyond the doctorate, which are usually proven by a habilitation, are expected (§ 47 Landeshochschulgesetz (LHG)) as well as relevant national and international publi-cation achievements in the context of the professorship, expertise in methods of empirical educational research and successful acquisition of third-party funding.

Experience in school-related subject didactics, experience with interdisciplinary cooperation, interdisci-plinary connectivity of the research profile are desirable.

Prerequisites for the employment of Professors are a university degree, an outstanding dissertation and an excellent publication record. Substantial achievements and experience in academic research and teaching, at the level of a Habilitation according to the German academic system, are expected.

We are particularly pleased to receive applications from women for the position advertised here.

The following application documents are requested:

• curriculum vitae

• Certificates and diplomas

• Complete list of publications, naming the 5 most important publications in the last 5 years

• List of the acquisition of third-party funds in the last 5 years

• Outline of planned research activity for the next 5 years

Please send your application including supporting documents mentioned above and the application form (https://intranet.uni-freiburg.de/public/downloads/saz/bewerbungsbogen-professoren-en.pdf) citing the reference number 2264, by 13.07.2022 at the latest.

Please send your application to the following address in written or electronic form:

An den Vorsitzenden der Berufungskommission

Prof. Dr. Matthias Nückles


Wirtschafts- und Verhaltenswissenschaftliche Fakultät

Albert-Ludwigs-Universität Freiburg

Rempartstraße 10-16 79085 Freiburg

Email: dekanat@wvf.uni-freiburg.de

For further information, please contact Frau Prof. Dr. Natalie Mrachacz-Kersting on the phone number +49 761 203 4559 or E-Mail natalie.mrachacz-kersting@sport.uni-freiburg.de .

Further information on the appointment procedure can be found in the Procedure Governing Appointments to Professorships at the University of Freiburg, available under https://intranet.uni-frei-burg.de/public/downloads/saz/berufungsleitfaden-en.pdf.

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