Virtual Discussion “Advancing Transdisciplinary Research in the Sport for Development Field” 

Join a virtual discussion about “Advancing Transdisciplinary Research in the Sport for Development Field” that is being planned for October 2022! 

The Sport for Development field is transdisciplinary by nature, and yet we tend to stay within disciplinary perspectives when studying Sport for Development. There is a need for more collaborative and collective approaches that transcend disciplinary boundaries, creating new knowledge that can advance the field. We invite you to join the authors of a recent article on this topic for a virtual session to discuss transdisciplinary research in the Sport for Development field. There will be a particular focus on surfacing barriers, brainstorming solutions, sharing ideas, and exploring possibilities as a global community. In other words, come prepared to actively engage with Sport for Development colleagues around the world! 

This virtual session will be free of charge and hosted by the Physical Activity and Life Skills (PALS) Group at Northern Illinois University. Complete this short form by September 1, 2022, if you are interested in attending. Based on interest and the geographic distribution of participants, more than one opportunity to join this session may be scheduled to accommodate different time zones. 

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