AIESEP advocates for the Physical Education profession.  AIESEP also supports and disseminates Sport Pedagogy research.  For years AIESEP disseminated the AIESEP FLASH on a monthly basis to over 6500 contacts globally.  A huge thanks to Dr Bryan McCullick who wrote and distributed the AIESEP FLASH for years.  We are hugely in his debt.  In the AIESEP Flash, we shared information on

  • upcoming conferences including AIESEP specialist seminars and AIESEP world congresses
  • announcements of new academic positions in Sport Pedagogy around the globe and
  • highlighted important research developments and opportunities

AIESEP is now migrating the FLASH newsletter to the AIESEP FLASH BLOG.  This new format the developments of modern communication strategies.  We hope the AIESEP FLASH BLOG will increase our connections with AIESEP scholars (using Blogs to communicate their research) and encourage more members to share their research findings and post opportunities for collaborative research of interest to AIESEP members via the FLASH BLOG.

Each month we will send an email to our 6500+ contacts (from FLASH) providing them the link to the AIESEP FLASH BLOG.  Please click on the URL below to access the new AIESEP FLASH BLOG:


We are keen to receive blogs from you that will be of interest to AIESEP scholars about:

  • Notifications of upcoming conferences and workshops
  • Vacant academic/professional positions of interest to AIESEP members
  • Research reports and publications relevant to Sport Pedagogy scholars
  • News items/research opportunities for Sport pedagogy scholars

We encourage your submissions of a blog about your research/opinion about Sport Pedagogy related issues.


Blogs must be submitted using the AIESEP template.   Directions on how to submit an AIESEP FLASH BLOG can be found at:  https://aiesep.blog/about/

Picture of Aiesep Blog

Aiesep Blog

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