Young Scholars 2018 (2): Risto Marttinen

Risto Marttinen is an assistant professor at George Mason University in Fairfax, Virginia, USA. He received a doctorate in education in curriculum and teaching in physical education from Teachers College Columbia University, New York in 2015. The title of his dissertation was “Effect of the Fitness Integrated with Technology (F.I.T.) unit on student attitudes and physical activity levels in physical education.” Risto’s research revolves around working with students in after-school physical education programs in urban, underserved areas, the integration of academic subjects into physical education classes, as well as research on student attitudes and physical activity levels in physical education. At the AIESEP World Congress Risto will present on the effects of university study abroad programs on cultural competence in kinesiology classes in a symposium as well as on students’ perceptions of the integration of technology and homework into physical education. His recommendation for the young scholar came from Stephen Silverman.

“I plan to continue being active at AIESEP meetings and plan to attend and present at the 2019 conference in New York. I wish to continue pursuing sport pedagogy research internationally by extending my network through AIESEP.”

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